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Showing 1-10 of 38 resources


5 August 2024

Gender-based violence in West Africa: how women’s and feminist movements are driving norm change

Authors: Dr Titilope F. Ajayi

Tags: Gender-based violence, Social movement

Published by: ALIGN

©Tolu Owoeye | Shutterstock ID: 2150233505


1 July 2024

Hostile landscapes: how do gender-restrictive actors contribute to violence against LGBTQI+ people?

Authors: Evie Browne

Tags: LGBTQI+, Gender-based violence, Social movement

Published by: ALIGN

Illustration of LGBTQI+ protesters © Steven Dickie


4 January 2024

Gender norms: 12 insights from 2023, and what to look out for in 2024

Authors: Evie Browne, Caroline Harper, Diana Jiménez Thomas Rodriguez, Ayesha Khan, Carmen Leon-Himmelstine, Rachel Marcus, Ján Michalko, Aatif Somji, Emily Subden, Natasha Wright

Tags: Backlash, Political representation and mobilisation, Social movement, Sexual and reproductive health, LGBTQI+, Education, Artivism, Economic empowerment

Published by: ALIGN

Looking back on 2023 display on computer on desk.. Shutterstock ID: 2379048867/Linaimages


23 November 2023

How does artivism contribute to ending gender-based violence?

Authors: Diana Jiménez Thomas Rodriguez

Tags: Artivism, Gender-based violence, Social movement

Published by: ALIGN

Artivism to end GBV illustration

Briefing paper

6 November 2023

Social norms, gender and development: A review of research and practice

Authors: Tara Patricia Cookson, Lorena Fuentes, Maria Klara Kuss, Jennifer Bitterly

Tags: Social movement, Gender-based violence, Political representation and mobilisation, Humanitarian emergencies

Published by: UN Women

Cover of paper


16 August 2023

Lessons on backlash from Women Deliver: tackling the enemy in the room

Authors: Ayesha Khan

Tags: Backlash, Social movement

Published by: ODI

Women Deliver plenary on the anti-rights movement, Kigali. Credit: Women Deliver


13 July 2023

10 ways to transform gender norms

Authors: ALIGN

Tags: Education, Sexual and reproductive health, Economic empowerment, Political representation and mobilisation, Gender-based violence, Social movement, social media, Men, boys and masculinities, Law and policy, Backlash

Published by: ALIGN

Cover artwork


5 January 2023

Reflections on 2022: what were the trends in gender norms research?

Authors: Aatif Somji, Diana Jiménez Thomas Rodriguez, Ján Michalko, Emilie Tant, Emily Subden

Tags: LGBTQI+, Political representation and mobilisation, Paid and unpaid work, Men, boys and masculinities, Social movement

Published by: ALIGN

Review 2022

Briefing paper

12 December 2022

Feminist activism to end gender-based violence in the public sphere

Authors: Diana Jiménez Thomas Rodriguez

Tags: Gender-based violence, Social movement

Published by: ALIGN

Cover of lit review

Briefing paper

29 November 2022

Feminist foreign policy: stronger action needed to resource feminist movements

Tags: Social movement

Published by: Mama Cash

First page of paper