Aurat march at Frere Hall Karachi, Pakistan, on International women's Day 2021. © Aqib Yasin | Shutterstock ID: 1931666027


Concerted backlash against progress on gender equality, LGBTQI+ diversity and feminism is now a well-recognised global phenomenon. Women and feminists all over the world are facing grave challenges and assaults on their freedoms. This is closely associated with the rise in authoritarianism and populism, constraints on civic spaces, and politicisation of religion.

ODI Global and ALIGN research uncovers how these global efforts are orchestrated by a diverse coalition of organisations and individuals that seek to reassert patriarchal power. Through well-funded transnational networks, this movement changes policy and generates narratives that harden or maintain conservative gender norms.

Anti-gender equality forces manifest most clearly the rollback of sexual and reproductive rights, the reversal of gender inclusive policies and defunding of related services, norm-spoiling at the multilateral level, and the curtailing of LGBTQI+ freedoms, such as the criminalisation of homosexuality. Those who belong to socially and racially marginalised groups are particularly targeted, with anti-gender actors promoting intolerance and xenophobia in efforts to undermine inclusive societies.

The anti-gender equality movement's advocates are working hard to retain and expand the social, economic and political power they wield, while curbing that of the most oppressed. They weaponize traditional binary gender roles and norms to garner public support, resist change and maintain their position.

Explore our work to understand what is driving these anti-feminist forces and next steps for an effective counter-response.