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Showing 171-180 of 445 resources

Journal article

6 May 2020

Beyond will: the empowerment conditions needed to abandon female genital mutilation in Conakry (Guinea), a focused ethnography

Authors: Marie-Hélène Doucet, Alexandre Delamou, Hawa Manet, Danielle Groleau

Tags: Female genital mutilation/cutting

Published by: Reproductive Health Journal

First page of article

Journal article

6 May 2020

Systematic review of social norms, attitudes, and factual beliefs linked to the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents

Authors: Ana Maria Buller, Marjorie Pichon, Alys McAlpine, Ben Cislaghi, Lori Heise, Rebecca Meiksin

Tags: Gender-based violence

Published by: Child Abuse and Neglect

Cover of review

Journal article

5 May 2019

The role of gendered norms in driving suicidal behaviour in Vietnam: why are girls more vulnerable?

Authors: Fiona Samuels, Taveeshi Gupta

Tags: Psychosocial well-being

Published by: Humanitarian Practice Network

First page of article

Journal article

3 May 2020

Unconditional cash transfers and women empowerment: The case of Benazir income support programme (BISP) in Pakistan

Authors: Tehmeena Iqbal, Ihtsham Ul Haq Padda, Shujaat Farooq

Tags: Social protection, Economic empowerment

Published by: Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies

First page of article


1 May 2020

Gender norms and change

Authors: My Linh Nguyen, Shane Harrison

Tags: Theory, Data, tools and measurement

Published by: Investing in Women

Cover of report

Briefing paper

1 May 2020

Like father, like son, like mother, like daughter: Intergenerational transmission of intrahousehold gender norms in Ethiopia

Authors: Jessica Leight

Tags: Gender-based violence, Economic empowerment

Published by: Self published

First page of paper


1 May 2020

Grandmother Project – Change through Culture Girls’ Holistic Development Program Quantitative Research Report

Authors: Bryan Shaw, Anjalee Kohli, Susan Igras

Tags: Education, Child marriage, Female genital mutilation/cutting, Gender-based violence

Published by: Passages, USAID

Cover of report


14 April 2020

The act framework: Towards a new M&E model for measuring social norms change around FGM

Tags: Data, tools and measurement, Female genital mutilation/cutting

Published by: UNICEF, UNFPA

Cover of toolkit

Journal article

8 April 2020

Lessons never learned: Crisis and gender‐based violence

Authors: Neetu John, Sara E Casey, Giselle Carino, Terry McGovern

Tags: Gender-based violence, Covid-19

Published by: Developing World Bioeth

First page of article

Journal article

2 April 2020

Pandemics and violence against women and children

Authors: Amber Peterman, Alina Potts, Megan ODonnell, Kelly Thompson, Niyati Shah, Sabine Oertelt-Prigione, Nicole van Gelder

Tags: Covid-19, Health, Gender-based violence

Published by: Centre for Global Development

Cover of paper