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Showing 231-240 of 685 resources


10 December 2020

Measuring gender and social norms - recommended measures for use in survey research

Tags: Data, tools and measurement

Published by: Emerge

Conceptual framework by Emerge

ALIGN event


Gender, power and progress: How norms change - ALIGN flagship report launch

Tags: Education, Sexual and reproductive health, Economic empowerment, Political representation and mobilisation

Organised by: ALIGN

UNAMID Police facilitates English classes for displaced women in North Darfur. ©UN Photo/Albert González Farran


9 December 2020

Gender, power and progress: how norms change

Authors: Caroline Harper, Rachel Marcus, Rachel George, Sophia M. D’Angelo, Emma Samman

Tags: Education, Social movement, Political representation and mobilisation, Sexual and reproductive health, Normative change

Published by: ALIGN

Cover of report


9 December 2020

Conceptual framework: A path from a current norm to a changed norm

Authors: Caroline Harper, Rachel Marcus, Rachel George

Tags: Normative change, Theory

Published by: ALIGN

Conceptual framework


19 May 2021

Costing Norms-Shifting Interventions: Five Insights for Program Implementers

Tags: Theory

Published by: Passages, Social Norms Learning Collaborative

First page of report


1 December 2020

Social norms data use tool

Tags: Normative change

Published by: Care, Tipping Point

View tool

Briefing paper

1 December 2020

Femicide and the media: Do reporting practices normalize gender-based violence?

Authors: Lorena Fuentes

Tags: Gender-based violence, Media

Published by: Ladysmith

Cover of paper


1 December 2020

Social norms design checklist

Tags: Normative change

Published by: Care, Tipping Point

First page of toolkit


26 November 2020

Unintended pregnancies and HIV among adolescents and young people: a situation analysis of Homa Bay, Kenya

Authors: Fiona Samuels, Carmen Leon-Himmelstine

Tags: Health, Sexual and reproductive health

Published by: ODI

Cover of report


24 November 2020

How can we better understand and measure violence against women in politics?

Authors: Nandita Bhan, Jennifer Yore, Anita Raj

Tags: Gender-based violence, Intimate partner violence

Published by: ALIGN

Nohra Padilla, leader of the Asociación de Recicladores de Bogotá (ARB) leads a contingent of waste pickers as they demonstrate against city policies and programmes affecting waste pickers. © Juan Arredondo/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment