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Showing 631-640 of 685 resources


1 October 2015

Why do people do what they do? A social norms manual for Zimbabwe and Swaziland

Authors: Cristina Bicchieri, Penn Social Norms Training and Consulting Group

Tags: Normative change

Published by: UNICEF Innocenti

Cover of report

Briefing paper

1 October 2015

Social norms theory and development economics

Authors: Lina Eriksson

Tags: Economic empowerment, Theory

Published by: World Bank

Cover page of paper


1 September 2015

‘This is not the work of a day’: Communications for social norm change around early marriage and education for adolescent girls in Uganda

Authors: Grace Kyomuhendo Bantebya, Florence Muhanguzi Kyoheirwe, Carol Watson

Tags: Education, Child marriage, Community development, Media

Published by: ODI

Front cover of ODI publication


1 September 2015

Tackling discrimination against girls: stories from Nepal

Tags: Education, Child marriage, Media

Published by: ODI

Still from the video

Briefing paper

1 September 2015

How communications can change social norms around adolescent girls

Authors: Carol Watson, Caroline Harper

Tags: Media, Education, Gender-based violence, Psychosocial well-being, Voice and agency, Economic empowerment

Published by: ODI

Photo of a path through grass with a young girl holding a bucket


1 August 2015

What can gender indices tell us about gender norms that affect adolescent girls?

Authors: Paola Pereznieto , Rachel Marcus

Tags: Data, tools and measurement

Published by: ODI

Photo of young girl holding baby - front cover of publication

Briefing paper

1 August 2015

Social norms, gender norms and adolescent girls: a brief guide

Authors: Rachel Marcus, Caroline Harper, Sophie Brodbeck, Ella Page

Tags: Theory, Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: ODI

Cover of report


1 August 2015

What can internationally comparable quantitative data tell us about how gender norms are changing?

Authors: Paola Pereznieto

Tags: Data, tools and measurement

Published by: ODI

Report cover

Briefing paper

1 August 2015

Girls’ clubs and empowerment programmes

Authors: Rachel Marcus, Sophie Brodbeck

Tags: Girls' clubs, Media

Published by: ODI

Photo of a group of girls - front cover of publication


1 August 2015

Question guide: researching norms about early marriage and girls' education

Authors: Nicola Jones, Fiona Samuels, Carol Watson

Tags: Education, Child marriage, Data, tools and measurement

Published by: ODI

Girls in school - front cover of publication