Past events

Showing 21-30 of 47 events

ALIGN event


Innovations in quantitative measurement of gender norms

Tags: Data, tools and measurement

Organised by: ALIGN

Women at a community meeting discuss the reconstruction of their village © Nugroho Nurdikiawan Sunjoyo / World Bank

ALIGN-supported event


Yes we can! Taking norms-shifting interventions to scale

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities, Data, tools and measurement, Community development

Organised by: Social Norms Learning Collaborative

An adolescent on a mobile phone at a market in Ramallah, West Bank. Photo: Arne Hoel / World Bank

ALIGN event

Public event

Breaking harmful gender norms in health practices and systems

Tags: Health

Organised by: ALIGN

A midwife at Redemption Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia, 2015. Photo © Dominic Chavez/World Bank/CC

ALIGN-supported event


If you can't measure it, you can't improve it: Experiences and insights on social norms measurement

Tags: Data, tools and measurement

Organised by: Social Norms Learning Collaborative

Dam under construction in Sri Lanka. Photo: Lakshman Nadaraja/World Bank

ALIGN-supported event


Is the juice worth the squeeze?: Insights and applications from norms-informed programming

Tags: Theory

Organised by: Social Norms Learning Collaborative

A collage of women doing sport, at school, with children, socialising

ALIGN event


Tackling gender norms through media

Tags: Media

Organised by: ALIGN, Overseas Development Institute

Morning radio show host Komla Dumor works in his sound booth at the Joy FM studio in Accra, Ghana. © Jonathan Ernst / World Bank

External event


Women Deliver 2019 Conference

Organised by: Women Deliver

Women Deliver

External event


When beliefs are barriers: Changing social norms to promote young women’s employment

Tags: Economic empowerment

Organised by: International Youth Foundation

Flyer for the event

External event

Side event

The gig economy: an opportunity to extend social protection to excluded women? ODI at CSW

Tags: Social protection

Organised by: ODI

Copyright: UN women

External event

Side event

Will we reach the gender-related SDGs? The impact of laws and social norms

Tags: Social protection

Organised by: SIGI

School girls smiling