Pride celebration and parade in Durban, South Africa 2017. Timothy Hodgkinson Image
Pride celebration and parade in Durban, South Africa 2017. Timothy Hodgkinson Image license:
7 Julio 2023

LGBTQI+ rights are not just for Pride Month

Author: Emilie Tant, Ján Michalko, Leen Fouad, Megan Daigle
Published by: ODI

Almost half a century ago, the Stonewall uprising at a New York gay bar, a spontaneous act of resistance against police brutality, marked a turn in the fight for LGBTQI+ equality. This moment, in June 1969, sparked a movement, now celebrated yearly in a month-long commemoration known as Pride.

But while global corporations (many of which have been revealed to fund anti-LGBTQI+ legislators) take down their rainbow-flag logos at the end of June, queer people around the world continue to face an increasingly hostile environment within which they must struggle for survival and dignity.

LGBTQI+ populations are increasingly unprotected in many countries, subjected to a wave of well-funded efforts by anti-rights organisations that are endangering lives. Once seen as a natural progression for maturing and strengthening democracies, full equal rights and an end to discrimination based on sexuality or gender identity are in jeopardy.

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This blog was originally published on the ODI website, continue reading there.