Feminist demonstrators in the National University of Colombia protesting about violence against women and president Iván Duque's Government, during the national strike in 2019. © Sebastian Barros | Shutterstock ID: 1574744137.
Feminist demonstrators in the National University of Colombia protesting about violence against women in 2019. © Sebastian Barros
4 Septiembre 2024

Feminist organisations as agents of norm change: advancing justice for victim-survivors of GBV in Colombia

Author: Carolina Solano Gutiérez, Laura Márquez Ramírez
Published by: ALIGN, SISMA Mujer
Executive summary (Eng) Ver resumen ejecutivo (Esp) Comic book (Esp) Comic book translation (Eng) Ver reporte (Esp)
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In Colombia, despite the presence of various laws designed to combat gender-based violence (GBV), this type of violence persists – as in many other parts of the world. Feminist activism, and its crucial role in shifting societal norms around gender, is essential for addressing and eliminating GBV.

This ALIGN-funded report, written by SISMA Mujer, provides emerging evidence from Colombia on the impact of feminist and LGBTQI+ organisations on the transformation of the patriarchal gender norms held by justice officials in the country. These norms are recognised as one of the principal obstacles to the effectiveness of GBV legislation and a significant barrier for victim-survivors in accessing justice. 

This research shows how patriarchal gender norms are still present among justice officials, the variety of strategies that Colombian feminist and LGBTQI+ organisations have used to contest and transform them, and their victories thus far.

Key messages:

  1. GBV victim-survivors face significant barriers to accessing justice due to revictimizing practices, lack of knowledge among authorities of GBV legislation, resistance to considering the effects of the armed conflict, the undervaluing of certain forms of GBV, and discrimination and violence against feminist lawyers. These barriers are rooted in patriarchal gender norms that normalise and dismiss gender-based violence.
  2. Feminist organisations have employed strategies such as comprehensive litigation, advocacy, trainings, and alliances to address the patriarchal gender norms that permeate the justice system and prevent GBV victim-survivors from accessing justice. 
  3. Feminist organisations have achieved significant victories by securing judgments that have set precedents for modifying national laws and regulations to ensure they are gender-sensitive and respect the rights of girls, women, and LGBTQI+ people. These achievements contest the gender norms that normalise and dismiss gender-based violence within Colombia’s judicial system.