Journal of adolescent health
Journal article
1 July 2023

The global early adolescent study: the interventions
Author: Kristin Mmari
Journal article
23 August 2020

Impacts of a cash plus intervention on gender attitudes among Tanzanian adolescents
Authors: Yekaterina Chzhen,
Leah Prencipe,
Frank Eetaama,
Paul Luchemba,
Tumpe MnyawamiLukongo,
Tia Palermo
Journal article
27 August 2019

The influence of schooling on the stability and mutability of gender attitudes: Findings from a longitudinal study of adolescent girls in Zambia
Authors: Sophia Chae,
Nicole Haberland,
Katharine McCarthy,
Ann Weber,
Gary Darmstadt,
Thoai Ngo
Journal article
27 March 2019

Child marriages and unions in Latin America: Understanding the roles of agency and social norms
Authors: Alice Y. Taylor,
Erin Murphy-Graham,
Julia Van Hornb,
Bapu Vaitla ,
Ángel Del Valle,
Ben Cislaghi
Journal article
1 October 2017

Marching to a different drummer: A cross-cultural comparison of young adolescents who challenge gender norms
Authors: Chunyan Yu,
Xiayun Zuo,
Robert W. Blum,
Deborah L. Tolman,
Anna Kågesten,
Kristin Mmari,
Sara De Meyer,
Kristien Michielsen,
Sharmistha Basu,
Rajib Acharya,
Qiguo Lian,
Chaohua Lou