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Showing 31-40 of 91 resources


9 September 2020

Staying-at-home with our sons: Fostering healthy masculinity in challenging times

Authors: Gary Barker, Brian Heilman, Michael Reichert

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: PROMUNDO, Kering Foundation

Cover of report


9 September 2020

Men and masculinities in a globalising Viet Nam

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities, Data, tools and measurement

Published by: Institute for Social Studies, Viet Nam, Investing in Women, Australian Aid, Nafosted

Cover of report

Journal article

23 August 2020

Impacts of a cash plus intervention on gender attitudes among Tanzanian adolescents

Authors: Yekaterina Chzhen, Leah Prencipe, Frank Eetaama, Paul Luchemba, Tumpe MnyawamiLukongo, Tia Palermo

Tags: Social protection, Men, boys and masculinities, Gender-based violence, Sexual and reproductive health

Published by: Journal of adolescent health

First page of article

Biblio/Lit. review

25 June 2020

The men's bibliography

Authors: Michael Flood

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: XY online

Books. © Fearless Tall Dude Killer licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Case study

8 June 2020

Community mobilisation: Kishor Varta

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities, Sexual and reproductive health

Published by: Men Engage Alliance

First page of case study

Case study

8 June 2020

Using communications for exploring masculinities: Working with young men in Maharashtra

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: Centre for Health and Social Justice, Men Engage Alliance

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Case study

8 June 2020

Engaging boys and men to stop acid violence in Bangladesh

Tags: Gender-based violence, Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: Centre for Health and Social Justice, Men Engage Alliance

First page of case study

Case study

8 June 2020

Resisting 'Karumaya' (the fate of women): Engaging men and boys on gender equality in Sri Lanka

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: Centre for Health and Social Justice, Men Engage Alliance

First page of case study

Case study

8 June 2020

'Awaaz do' (speak up): Engaging youth to address violence against women

Tags: Gender-based violence, Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: Centre for Health and Social Justice, Men Engage Alliance

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Case study

8 June 2020

Engaging men and boys against the practice of Chhaupadi in Nepal

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities, Sexual and reproductive health

Published by: Centre for Health and Social Justice, Men Engage Alliance

First page of case study