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Showing 351-360 of 364 resources


19 February 2020

If I were Jack: Young men and unintended pregnancy

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities, Sexual and reproductive health

Published by: Queen's University Belfast

Toolkit booklets

Journal article

7 June 2018

Are interventions focused on gender-norms effective in preventing domestic violence against women in low and lower-middle income countries? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Authors: Agumasie Semahegn, Kwasi Torpey, Abubakar Manu, Nega Assefa, Gezahegn Tesfaye, Augustine Ankomah

Tags: Gender-based violence, Community development

Cover of article

Journal article

18 July 2019

“It is a thing that depends on God”: barriers to delaying first birth and pursuing alternative futures among newly married adolescent girls in Niger

Authors: Ghazaleh Samandari, Carolyn Grant, Lily Brent, Sara Gullo

Tags: Health, Sexual and reproductive health

Published by: Reproductive Health Journal

First page of article

Journal article

12 September 2019

Effectiveness of a multilevel intervention to reduce violence and increase condom use in intimate partnerships among female sex workers: cluster randomised controlled trial in Karnataka, India

Authors: Prakash Javalkar, Lucy Platt, Ravi Prakash, Tara S Beattie, Martine Collumbien, Mitzy Gafos, Satyanarayana Ramanaik, Calum Davey, Rachel Jewkes, Charlotte Watts, Parinita Bhattacharjee, Raghavendra Thalinja, Kavitha DL, Shajy Isa, Lori Heise

Tags: Intimate partner violence, Sexual and reproductive health

Published by: BMJ Global Health

First page of article

Journal article

1 October 2019

Secular changes in child marriage and secondary school completion among rural adolescent girls in India

Authors: Tara S Beattie

Tags: Education

Published by: Journal of Global Health Reports

First page of article

Briefing paper

1 March 2020

A tale of contradictions: understanding the impact of social norms on Nepali men and boys

Authors: Anita Ghimire, Fiona Samuels

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: GAGE

First page of brief


28 September 2019

Preventing violence against women and girls: Community activism approaches to shift harmful gender attitudes, roles and social norms

Authors: Rachel Jewkes, Erin Stern, Leane Ramsoomar

Tags: Gender-based violence, Intimate partner violence

Published by: What works, UK AID

Cover of report


20 March 2019

Intimate partner violence prevention evidence gap map

Tags: Intimate partner violence

Published by: International Initiative for Impact Evaluation

Screenshot of tool

Journal article

6 May 2020

Systematic review of social norms, attitudes, and factual beliefs linked to the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents

Authors: Ana Maria Buller, Marjorie Pichon, Alys McAlpine, Ben Cislaghi, Lori Heise, Rebecca Meiksin

Tags: Gender-based violence

Published by: Child Abuse and Neglect

Cover of review

Journal article

2 April 2020

Pandemics and violence against women and children

Authors: Amber Peterman, Alina Potts, Megan ODonnell, Kelly Thompson, Niyati Shah, Sabine Oertelt-Prigione, Nicole van Gelder

Tags: Covid-19, Health, Gender-based violence

Published by: Centre for Global Development

Cover of paper