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Showing 601-610 of 685 resources

Journal article

28 February 2017

Sexual and gender minorities in disaster

Authors: J. C. Gaillard, Andrew Gorman-Murray, Maureen Fordham

Tags: Disaster risk reduction, Sexual and reproductive health

Published by: Gender, Place and Culture

Gender, place and culture journal cover


1 February 2017

Gender socialization during adolescence in low- and middle-income countries: Conceptualization, influences and outcomes

Authors: John A. Neetu, Kirsten Stoebenau, Samantha Ritter, Jeffrey Edmeades, Nikola Balvin

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities, Theory

Published by: UNICEF

Cover image

1 February 2017

Gender and Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Central and East Africa: Barriers and Benefits

Authors: Doris Buss, Blair Rutherford, Jennifer Hinton, Jennifer Stewart, Joanne Lebert, Gisèle Eva Côté, Abby Sebina-Zziwa, Richard Kibombo, Frederick Kisekka

Tags: Economic empowerment

Published by: McGill University

Gender and Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Central and East Africa: Barriers and Benefits


1 February 2017

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Study of Women’s Economic Empowerment

Authors: SNV

Tags: Economic empowerment

Published by: SNV

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Study of Women’s Economic Empowerment

Journal article

1 January 2017

The Decline of the Male Breadwinner and Persistence of the Female Carer: Exposure, Interests, and Micro-Macro Interactions

Authors: Alice Evans

Tags: Economic empowerment, Theory

Published by: Annals of the American Association of Geographers


1 January 2017

Towards a better future for women and work: Voices of women and men - ILO Gallup 2017

Tags: Economic empowerment, Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: International Labour Organization

Towards a better future for women and work: Voices of women and men - ILO Gallup 2017


1 January 2017

Measuring gender-related social norms

Authors: Lori Heise, Ben Cislaghi

Tags: Gender-based violence, Data, tools and measurement

Published by: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

STRIVE report cover


1 January 2017

UN toolkit: How to change norms in support of women’s economic empowerment

Authors: Amadou Mahtar Ba, Elise Klein , Jenna Harvey, Kim Henderson , Philippe Lust-Bianchi, Siriel Mchembe, Nanjira Sambuli , Lisa Wong

Tags: Economic empowerment

Published by: UN Secretary General’s High-Level Panel Women’s Economic Empowerment

Front cover of UN toolkit


1 January 2017

Applying theory to practice: CARE’s journey piloting social norms measures for gender programming

Authors: Leigh Stefanik, Theresa Hwang

Tags: Gender-based violence, Child marriage, Theory, Data, tools and measurement

Published by: CARE USA, Care

Front cover of CARE publication

Briefing paper

1 January 2017

Norms and women’s economic empowerment

Authors: Elise Klein

Tags: Economic empowerment

Published by: United Nations

Norms and women’s economic empowerment