Briefing paper
1 mars 2017

White Paper: Conceptual model of women and girls’ empowerment

Author: Anouka van Eerdewijk, Franz Wong, Chloe Vaast, Julie Newton, Marcelo Tyszler, Amy Pennington
Published by: KIT Gender, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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What does empowerment of women and girls mean? This White Paper seeks to address this question. A conceptual model on empowerment of women and girls was developed in close partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The model aims to provide conceptual clarity and a common language on what empowerment of women and girls means for the foundation. The White Paper defines empowerment of women and girls as ‘the expansion of choice and strengthening of voice through the transformation of power relations, so women and girls have more control over their lives and futures. It is both a process and an outcome’.