Micro-grants funding round 1: gender norms
ALIGN hosted two funding rounds in 2018/9: a Research Fund and a Convening Fund. Both aimed to encourage collaboration, knowledge sharing and innovation on gender norms and norm change. ALIGN is building on the success of these rounds by inviting donor support for its re-granting scheme. Drawing on its growing global community, its research portfolio on discriminatory gender norms and its insights on how these can be challenged, ALIGN is well placed to fund rigorous research and ground-breaking events that bring key players together.
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About the funds
The Research Fund
ALIGN’s Research Fund supported six small-scale action research or research translation projects which contributed to advancing knowledge and evidence on gender norms across a range of contexts.
Successful applicants were given around nine months in 2018 to carry out projects and their resulting research outputs are now available to ALIGN’s community of practice, and can be consulted below. A video with interviews with three of the grantees, discussing their research findings, can also be found below.
The Convening Fund
ALIGN called for proposals for applications for small-scale research and research translation projects to further learning which closed in January 2018. The six funds award winners which were awarded a total of £90,000, explored a range of themes, from education to media and gender norm change, across highly varied contexts.
The projects included desk-based research synthesising insights on norm change from the Girls’ Education Challenge; an evaluation examining the impact of comprehensive sexuality education on intimate partner violence in Mexico City; studies of the impacts of gender-responsive curricula on gender norms in Peru and Indonesia; a study of the gender and age responsiveness of Indonesia’s adolescent-friendly health services; and action research projects exploring gender norm change through digital media in Somalia.
Fund award winners
Research Fund award winners
ALIGN called for proposals for applications for small-scale research and research translation projects to further learning which closed in January 2018. The six funds award winners explore a range of themes across highly varied contexts.
The first round of ALIGN’s Research Fund awarded a total of £90,000 to explore a range of themes from education to media and gender norm change.
The projects include desk-based research synthesising insights on norm change from the Girls’ Education Challenge; an evaluation examining the impact of comprehensive sexuality education on intimate partner violence in Mexico City; studies of the impacts of gender-responsive curricula on gender norms in Peru and Indonesia; and action research projects exploring gender norm change through digital media in Somalia.
The grant winners are:
This youth-led research examined whether Indonesia’s Youth Friendly Health Services, which are meant to be implemented in health sector community clinics, are truly youth friendly. It explored…
Through a meta-evaluation of Global Education Challenge evaluations and project data on girls’ education projects, Coffey International explored what can be learned about norm change in girls’…
This action research intervened through training, mentoring, and implementing gender-equitable schools and teaching practices. The beneficiaries were 15 Islamic secondary schools (middle and high…
The research explored shifts in harmful gender norms in adolescents through a process evaluation examining the link between comprehensive sexuality education and intimate partner violence…
This study examines norms that govern the access of young women to education and higher education in Somalia and what can be done to support them. It explores women’s experiences of gender bias and…
Visionaria (Peru) trains and supports teachers in exploring and facilitating concepts of gender equity and norms, providing an agency-based empowerment curriculum that gives students the…
Convening Fund award winners
ALIGN called for applications for its Convening Fund to support global meetings on gender norms in May and June 2018.
The grant winners are:
The Gender Development Association (GDA) brought together experts from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam to share lessons learned and best practices on the promotion of positive gender…
Little attention has been paid to the gendered nature of health systems and how these systems can reinforce harmful norms, strengthen patriarchy and work against gender equity. Harnessing the power…
The ‘Getting Men to Care’ convening assembled key researchers and activists from around the world in Kigali, Rwanda to review existing research, programme and policy experiences on gender norms,…
Sri Lanka
Organised by Point of View and the Internet Democracy Project, ‘Imagine A Feminist Internet: South Asia’ was a two-day regional conference of researchers, practitioners and policymakers working on…
Reflections on the convenings and research
28 mars 2019
11 mars 2019
21 février 2019
27 novembre 2018
More on micro-granting
2 November 2020
ALIGN's micro-grant scheme provides small funding grants to individuals and organisations with the aim of generating new research, synthesis and brokering to better understand various aspects of…
9 June 2021
ALIGN's second round of micro-grant funding focused on research into effective action on the gender norms that underpin gender-based violence in the workplace and features outputs from Zimbabwe,…
27 April 2022