1 juin 2019

Tackling the taboo: sexuality and gender-transformative programmes to end child, early and forced marriage and unions

Author: ESubden
Published by: Girls Not Brides
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Tackling the Taboo focuses on approaches to address the patriarchal control of adolescent girls’ sexuality as a driver of one of the world’s most prevalent harmful practices: child, early and forced marriage and unions (CEFMU). This report captures promising gender transformative work taking place in politically and culturally conservative contexts, including programmes led by grassroots organisations. 

The findings are meant to be used: 

  1. as a learning tool for programme implementers, 
  2. to present gaps and opportunities for future research, and 3) as a tool for advocates to open dialogue with leaders and policymakers about how programming designed to address CEFMU can advance girls’ and women’s greater sexual agency, bodily autonomy, freedom and dignity.