1 Julio 2021

Policies and social norms: their relationship to women's economic empowerment in Nigeria

Author: Nigeria Learning Collaborative
Published by: Social Norms Learning Collaborative, Nigeria Learning Collaborative
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This policy review provides a review of policies that facilitate or hinder women’s economic empowerment (WEE) at the national and geo-political zones—presenting one state per zone as an example (Abia, Borno, Edo, Kaduna, Lagos, and Niger). The report also assesses the relationship between social norms and WEE policies. It further explores how that relationship informs government-led programming to address policy gaps, shift social norms, and scale-up programmes across Nigeria.

This policy review is intended to strengthen understanding of the social norms that impact WEE and how policy can be deployed to enhance women’s economic engagement. The report concludes with recommendations to address social norms that inhibit WEE, and touches on broader issues beyond norms.

State briefs were developed to provide further detail on the geo-political context and policies that facilitate or hinder WEE in the following states: Abia, Borno, Edo, Kaduna, Lagos, and Niger. These six briefs are available for download below.