1 Enero 2019

Pushing boundaries by engaging adolescent girls and communities

Author: Hemlata Verma, Daliya Sebastian, Abhishek Gautam, Ravi Verma, Madhumita Das, Pranita Achyut, Ronak Soni, Alison Andrew, Sonya Krutikova, Gabriela Smarrelli, Sanjay Sharma
Published by: ICRW
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India has more than 253 million adolescents, accounting for almost 21 percent of its population and making it one of the countries with the largest adolescent population in the world. Further, around 47 percent of this population is female. Adolescent girls in India continue to experience early and child marriage (ECM), early and repeated pregnancy as well as discontinuation/dropout from secondary schools. There exists a wide interstate variation in the status of adolescents with respect to education and ECM. However, adolescent girls continue to remain marginalized in almost all states.

Read ICRW's report on how engaging adolescent girls and communities can help push boundaries to create social change.