10 Octubre 2013

Working with men and boys: Gender and sexual & reproductive health manual

Author: ESubden
Published by: Sonke Gender Justice Network
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This manual is intended to be a resource for those working with men and boys on issues of sexual and reproductive health, specifically increasing access to safe and stigma free abortion services, as well as gender and health on a broader scale. It was developed for use in workshop settings and also as a resource and facilitation guide aimed at building the capacity of individuals and organisations to address specific sexual and reproductive health issues with men and boys. As such, the manual is divided into five sections. It is designed in such a way that the facilitator can choose topics and activities from the various sections depending on the background and needs of the participants, rather than needing to cover the entire manual. The content of the activities is informed by a commitment to social justice, positive gender transformation, and engaging men and boys as positive agents of change in their communities.

This workshop manual is just one of a number of different tools available. Other materials have been designed to support men who’ve been taught through an OMC training workshop in taking action.