Case study
8 Junio 2020

Engaging boys and men to stop acid violence in Bangladesh

Author: ESubden
Published by: Centre for Health and Social Justice, Men Engage Alliance
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Acid violence (or attack) means the throwing of acid or similarly corrosive substances on a person, usually on the face, with the intention to hurt or disfigure the person. Acid violence results in scarring, disfigurement, maiming, blindness of the victim, and life-long economic, social, psychological and various health struggles. In certain cases, acid violence results in death.

Historically, a vast majority of acid attacks are against women and girls. The attacks are often done in revenge to the women/their families' refusal to accept marriage proposals or to pay dowry after marriage. It also happens when women and girls assert themselves and thwart sexual advances. A girl or woman making a decision and saying 'no' is seen as an affront and hard to take for boys and men.

This case study looks at best practises in South Asia for engaging men and boys to transform gender discriminatory practices.