27 Enero 2020

The Social Norms Exploration Tool (SNET)

Author: CDavin
Published by: Social Norms Learning Collaborative, Institute for Reproductive Health
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SNET Cover Page

The Institute for Reproductive Health, with support from the USAID-funded Passages project and members from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded Learning Collaborative to Advance Normative Change, developed the Social Norms Exploration Tool (SNET), a participatory guide and set of tools to translate theory into practical guidance to inform a social norms exploration.

Step-by-step guidance, exercises, and templates in the toolkit can help program implementers:

  • Understand social norms theory and concepts
  • Prepare staff to identify and investigate social norms
  • Engage community members using participatory learning exercises to 1) identify Reference Groups, and 2) explore social norms influencing behaviors of interest
  • Analyze information with project team and communities
  • Use findings to inform the design of norms-shifting activities and develop norms-focused evaluation tools

This field-tested version of the SNET has been applied in over 15 settings and is available for use. IRH can provide distance and in-country technical assistance to organizations and projects that wish to use it. The experiences and learnings from the field-testing of the SNET will inform any final revisions for final dissemination in 2021.

Have you used the SNET? Are you interested in learning more about the SNET? Contact us at [email protected].