28 Mayo 2018

Women’s Business? A social network study of the influence of men on decision-making regarding female genital mutilation/cutting in Senegal

Author: Bettina Shell-Duncan, Amadou Moreau, Sarah Smith, Holly Shakya
Published by: University of Washington
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While much has been learned about social norms surrounding Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C),  less is known about the interactions that shape views of FGM/C decision-makers, including
those interactions with men. To fill this gap, a qualitative network study was conducted in two regions of
Senegal, producing detailed information about the contextual factors that are shaping and altering social
networks. The results show that change is unfolding differently in each of the regions of Senegal which do not support either of the two prevailing views on the role of men. 

This working paper was prepared  for the 2nd International Expert Meeting on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Canada in May 2018. The final version is forthcoming and will be hosted in the Resource Hub once published.