9 Mayo 2022

Study on the impact of Covid-19 on gender equality with a focus on intersectionality and economic empowerment

Author: ESubden
Published by: GIZ
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This study, commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), highlights how women and girls in all their diversity are particularly affected by the social, health, and economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. It provides concrete steps for action on how to embed intersectional approaches into German development cooperation’s work on gender equality and Covid-19 recovery.

The pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated existing inequalities and discrimination in multiple and drastic ways. These regressions jeopardize international and German development goals on gender equality and inclusion, such as those of the 2030 Agenda and in particular the principle of "Leave No One Behind." The study's findings and recommendations underscore the need for intersectional analyses and approaches to understand and address the pandemic's impact on gender relations.