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Showing 331-340 of 364 resources

Journal article

13 September 2019

Young men, poverty and aspirational masculinities in contemporary Nairobi, Kenya

Authors: Chimaraoke O. Izugbara, Carolyne P. Egesab

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: Gender, Place and Culture

First page of article

Briefing paper

1 December 2018

Programming with adolescent boys to promote gender-equitable masculinities: A rigorous review

Authors: Rachel Marcus

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: GAGE

Cover of the briefing paper

Case study

14 November 2022

CARE gender norms studies

Tags: Economic empowerment

Published by: Care

Cover of Peru report case study

Case study

8 June 2020

Engaging boys and men to stop acid violence in Bangladesh

Tags: Gender-based violence, Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: Centre for Health and Social Justice, Men Engage Alliance

First page of case study


1 March 2017

Body of knowledge - improving SRH for India's adolescents

Tags: Sexual and reproductive health

Published by: Dasra

Cover of report


23 July 2019

Smashing spatial patriarchy: Shifting social norms driving sexual and gender-based violence on public transport in Sri Lanka

Authors: Anam Parvez Butt, Sharanya Sekaram

Tags: Gender-based violence

Published by: Oxfam

Cover of report

Briefing paper

1 December 2018

Programming to promote gender-equitable masculinities among adolescent boys: Key findings from a rigorous review

Authors: Rachel Marcus

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: GAGE

Cover of the briefing paper

Briefing paper

15 November 2019

Gains and gaps: Perceptions and experiences of gender in Africa

Authors: Carmen Alpin Lardies, Dominique Dryding, Carolyn Logan

Tags: Economic empowerment, Education, Gender-based violence, Data, tools and measurement

Published by: Africa Portal

Cover of paper


1 October 2021

Addressing gender norms to increase financial inclusion

Authors: Antonique Koning, Joanna Ledgerwood, Nisha Singh

Tags: Economic empowerment

Published by: CGAP

Cover of toolkit

Journal article

28 March 2019

“Change really does need to start from home”: Impact of an intimate partner violence prevention strategy among married couples in Nepal

Authors: Susi McGhee, Binita Shrestha, Gemma Ferguson, Prabin Nanicha Shrestha, Irina Bergenfeld, Cari Jo Clark

Tags: Intimate partner violence, Gender-based violence

Published by: Journal of Interpersonal Violence

First page of article