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Showing 291-300 of 364 resources

Journal article

1 April 2019

Advancing social norms practice for adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health: The why and the how

Tags: Theory, Adolescence, Sexual and reproductive health

Published by: Social Norms Learning Collaborative

journal cover


1 May 2022

Masculinities and male trauma: Making the connections

Authors: Henny Slegh, Warren Spielberg, Cody Ragonese

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: PROMUNDO

Cover of report


8 November 2021

Norms Changing Strategies - West Africa Lessons

Authors: Judi Aubel, Mamadou Coulibaly

Tags: Normative change

Published by: The Communication Initiative Network

Diagram from the blog


26 June 2019

Measuring social norms about female labour force participation in Jordan

Authors: Varun Gauri, Tasmia Rahman , Iman Kalyan Sen

Tags: Economic empowerment

Published by: World Bank, eMBeD

Cover of report

Case study

8 June 2020

Resisting 'Karumaya' (the fate of women): Engaging men and boys on gender equality in Sri Lanka

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: Centre for Health and Social Justice, Men Engage Alliance

First page of case study

Journal article

21 September 2020

The role of gender inclusive leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic to support vulnerable populations in conflict settings

Authors: Kristen Meagher, Neha S Singh, Preeti Patel

Tags: Covid-19

Published by: BMJ Global Health

First page of article

Biblio/Lit. review

25 June 2020

The men's bibliography

Authors: Michael Flood

Tags: Men, boys and masculinities

Published by: XY online

Books. © Fearless Tall Dude Killer licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Briefing paper

1 March 2019

Parivartan for Girls: Addressing restrictive gender norms

Authors: Shweta Bankar, Martine Collumbien, Annie Holmes, Ravi Verma

Tags: Health, Education, Sport

Published by: STRIVE, ICRW

First page of paper


1 December 2022

Animated video series: Transforming social norms

Tags: Normative change, Sexual and reproductive health

Published by: Amplify Change

Still from video animation


31 May 2021

Understanding and addressing homophobia in Ghana & Africa


Published by: African Women's Development Fund

Cover of guide